Nook Stage at Big Surreal. Made from recycled and natural materials, The Nook invites anyone and everyone to participate. Whether it's music, comedy, or something you need to get off your chest, this has become a new favorite at the festival because of the open stage policy.
"Symbion," 5'x11', Mixed Media Installation.
Made with cellulose paper clay, natural materials, and recycled materials found at MRWMD.
"Two Feathers: in Honor of Dirt Boy", 2'x6', Rebar and Steel Scultpture
"Connection Point," 5'x5', Recycled Wine Barrel Rings
"Awaken," 4'x7', Mixed Media Installation. Recycled and natural Materials: pvc, cardboard, rope, driftwood, and a wall mirror.
"Tea Pot-Head," 2'x4', Mixed Media
"Arts Alive", Screen Print for Arts Alive Show
"Pussy Power," 5"x9", Screen Print
All photos are 8"x10" archival prints, copyright Katie Savage.